There were 8 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in May 2024

Member’s choice voting is available. This just for fun and does not affect the club pointscore. To vote follow the link above.

click here to see a pdf catalog of all competition results

Grahame Wilson – Judges Choice

Ride The Freak Out
Kathy Majewski – Judges Choice
Night Photography

Water Dancer
Helen Walker – Merit

Pumpkin pot
Yvonne Moule – Merit

Omelet For One
Keith Pascoe – Merit

Night Flyer
Cozette Leonard – Merit
Night Photography

Walking in FIRE
Cozette Leonard – Merit
Night Photography

Vivid Patchwork Sails
Lyn Wilson – Merit
Night Photography